Thursday, December 12, 2024

Columbia Pike Partnership- Annual meeting / Celtic House

The Columbia Pike Partnership (CPP), headed by its new director Andrew Schneider, held its annual meeting at the Whiskey Bar at the Celtic House on the Pike. A wide range of businesspeople, elected officials, board members, citizens' association representatives, friends of the Pike community, County staff, non-profit organizations, and others gathered to celebrate, share and learn. 

Thanks to the hardworking staff of CPP and to Michael McMahon, co-proprietor of the Celtic House, for hosting the event.

Photography by Dewey Tron and Lloyd Wolf.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Mid-Pike at dusk

 From a recent evening's observations in the 2500-2800 blocks of Columbia Pike.

Photography by Lloyd Wolf.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Community Survey | Pike spaces

Andrea Mei Gaoat, a senior Virginia Tech Landscape Architecture student and lifelong South Arlington resident, held a pair of community survey sessions at Studio Pause on Columbia Pike.

Her goal is to envision and design a public gathering and festival space that can all residents could enjoy. Community members gave input to help transform existing spaces on Columbia Pike to celebrate our diverse community, where everyone feels connected.

She posed three questions for residents to answer:

  1. What does a functional public space mean to you?
  2. How can we design a space on Columbia Pike that will help you feel connected to other people in our diverse community?
  3. What cultural traditions or activities would you like to have celebrated in a public space?

Results of her research will be incorporated into a final project, with recommendations.

Thanks to Andrei Mei and to MaryLouise (LouLou) Marino of Studio Pause.

Photography by Lloyd Wolf.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Bob and Edith's Diner | Pike classic

Bob and Edith's Diner is the oldest - and still popular - eatery on the Pike.  Located at 2310 Columbia Pike, it has tons of well-earned charm. 

Open 24 hours, with a tasty old-school menu.