A happy time - with candy canes - was had by all.
Photography by Lloyd Wolf.
The Columbia Pike Documentary Project is a multi-disciplinary history of Columbia Pike in Arlington, VA, one of Americas most-ethnically diverse communities. Paula Endo, Lloyd Wolf, Mimi Xang Ho, Duy Tran, Aleksandra Lagkueva, Lara Ajami, and other team members have been using photography and oral history to document life along the Pike. The project is sponsored by the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization Contact: Lloyd Wolf- lloydwolf@lloydwolf.com or www.pikedoc.org
A happy time - with candy canes - was had by all.
Photography by Lloyd Wolf.
Thanks to the hardworking staff of CPP and to Michael McMahon, co-proprietor of the Celtic House, for hosting the event.
Photography by Dewey Tron and Lloyd Wolf.
From a recent evening's observations in the 2500-2800 blocks of Columbia Pike.
Photography by Lloyd Wolf.
Her goal is to envision and design a public gathering and festival space that can all residents could enjoy. Community members gave input to help transform existing spaces on Columbia Pike to celebrate our diverse community, where everyone feels connected.
She posed three questions for residents to answer:
Results of her research will be incorporated into a final project, with recommendations.
Thanks to Andrei Mei and to MaryLouise (LouLou) Marino of Studio Pause.
Photography by Lloyd Wolf.