The third grade class at
Patrick Henry School, led by their teacher,
Ms. Dahlia Constantine, are engaged in a community action and advocacy project about the neighborhood they live in.
Lloyd Wolf, chief photographer of the Columbia Pike Documentary Project, has been working with the class, particularly a group of five lively students (Natalia, Mika, Lidya, Colby, and Malachi), who have taken examining and promoting locally-owned small businesses as their mission.
On their own they have set up a website,
TrythePike, and are creating a poster which they will place around the community as part of their work informing residents about local business resources, and encouraging them to patronize them.
Here is the poster they created:
Other class groups are working on issues related to green spaces, promoting affordable housing, kid-friendly spaces, and protecting animals, both wild and domestic.
Watch for more to come.
Here are two pictures of the team that created the website and poster.
Photography of the kids by Lloyd Wolf.